03.10.24 Railway Car Park Bus Stop

Oct 3, 2024 | News

Padstow Town Council would like to respond to concerns received in relation to the removal of the Railway Car Park bus stop.  

The main issues have been about the frequency of buses and number of services operating from the Railway Car Park bus stop for some time.   Padstow Town Council first raised these with bus operators and Cornwall Council in April 2022.   A significant issue of the scheduling is that there are regularly buses stacking behind the bus stop.  This in turn blocks the pedestrian crossing and shields alighting passengers from oncoming traffic.  This issue is compounded by the majority of buses (albeit one) now being double-deckers which, in addition, struggle to manoeuvre around the car park.  Passengers who queue for bus services are forced out of a safe waiting area, back into the car park and across the junction.  The bus stop not being able to accommodate the number of buses and passengers.  These issues are further exacerbated by the operational practices of the bus companies.   

The Town Council has for over 2 years tried to seek a better solution for the Railway Car Park bus stop.   On 1 June 2022, having monitored the situation, the Town Council wrote to Cornwall Council requesting that a review of the bus stop location be undertaken as it was considered the stop was no longer fit for purpose and could not cope – it was at saturation point.   A site meeting was also suggested but unfortunately neither took place.

Padstow Town Council continued to raise concerns and sought to engage with all parties to improve the situation through written communications and meetings with Go Cornwall, First, and with Cornwall Council on a number of occasions.  Consequently, the Town Council hoped that many of the issues could be alleviated through changes to frequency and scheduling.  At this time, it was also pressing to understand how Padstow Town Council’s concerns could factor into the bus scheduling decisions.  In April 2023, Cornwall Council advised “We are working in a legally binding enhanced partnership with First and Go Cwll buses so we cannot have stand alone or differing solutions for operators and bus routes”.

The Town Council met with Cornwall Council again in October 2023, supported by Cornwall Councillor Rushworth and continued to try to reach a resolution.  The Council suggested that to ease the pressure and support the parish and its residents, that only service buses be allowed to access the bus stop.  In response,  Cornwall Council clarified that in relation to buses at the Railway Car Park bus stop it had “to be all buses or no buses”.

In January 2024, the Town Council wrote to Cornwall Council to again request that a site visit and review of the bus stop be undertaken and to escalate the matter to its Health and Safety Team.   It was hoped that such a review would affect manageable change to the bus stop.   The review did not take place.

In March 2024, in response to an offer by Cornwall Council for Cormac to review the bus stop, the Town Council confirmed it was open to a review, conducted onsite and with the Town Council as landowner being able to fully engage with the process.  At the beginning of May, Cornwall Council advised they would be happy to instruct Cormac to undertake a safety review of the bus stop.  Nothing further was heard on this.  At the end of June 2024, Cornwall Council provided plans for a layover stop on the Railway Car Park and some suggested changes to the bus stop by extending the footway and also outlining again that they would be happy to instruct Cormac to undertake a safety review.  Padstow Town Council was disappointed the review had not taken place and felt that the suggested changes did little to address the issues having not taken into account several factors, such as location.

As the landowner, Padstow Town Council has a duty of care and it works regularly with other parties that require access across the Railway land, collaborating in relation to health and safety.  The Railway Car Park is a unique location for businesses and community groups, it also leads to a working harbour and is a point of access to the Camel Trail.

Over the last 2 years, the Town Council has repeatedly asked Cornwall Council how, as landowner, it can be included in conversations and consultations regarding the frequency, scheduling and operation of the bus stop.  The response has been that Padstow Town Council is not a stakeholder and there are no conduits to feedback significant concerns.  Any meetings in this regard are commercially sensitive and would not include Padstow Town Council.  During this time, concerns over the general operating practices of bus operators within the car park have also been raised repeatedly and whilst acknowledged, have continued.

In July 2024, despite all parties being aware of the concerns and history of discussions, a further service was registered.  The bus operator was advised they did not have permission for reasons of health and safety.  This was ignored.

With no alternative Padstow Town Council gave Cornwall Council the required notice as per its agreement with them (permitting the bus stop), this being communicated on 24 July 2024.

This was of course truly disappointing, and Padstow Town Council again reiterated that it was open to engaging in proactive discussions, mindful of health and safety, that could see this avoided.  When meeting further, Cornwall Council confirmed that it [CC] has no input in to the registration of bus services.  That although they are in an Enhanced Partnership arrangement with the bus companies, this function sits with the Transport Commissioner.   Padstow Town Council thought it had more say and was disappointed to learn this.

Vice-Chair to Padstow Town Council, Councillor Mrs Janet Dawe outlined “It is unreasonable for Cornwall Council, as the authority responsible for bus services to expect Padstow Town Council to accept liability for an operation which it has no way of managing. We [PTC] have no input into matters which affect the operation in the town such as the number of services, the frequency of buses and bus operator practices, and we have no power to mitigate any issues that may arise.  Padstow Town Council is a small Council and my fellow Councillors and I are all volunteers doing our best for the community.   Councillors feel they have been backed into a corner by Cornwall Council and the bus companies.“ 

She continues “As a Councillor, but also a member of the community of Padstow, I and my fellow Councillors consider a comprehensive review of Padstow and its bus service infrastructure, involving input from, and consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to better service its users and residents is needed.  Padstow has grown so much and continues to grow, yet our infrastructure hasn’t caught up.”

Councillor Janet Dawe further added “I ask that our community please do bear with us – we want what is best and safe. Cornwall Council still has a duty to deliver a reliable, efficient, safe and inclusive service for our town.  The Town Council remains willing to fully engage in this process to see what improvements can be achieved for the benefit of the entire town and continues to wait for a response from the Cabinet Member for Transport, Councillor Donnithorne as to how a mutually acceptable solution can be put in place.” 


To view a snapshot of images demonstrating issues at the Railway Car Park bus stop during the period 2022-2024, please click on the links below.  

Image 2022

Image 2022

Image 2023

Image 2023

Image 2024

Image 2024

Image 2024



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