Neighbourhood Development Plan

Padstow Town Council, with the approval of Cornwall Council, has decided to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Civil Parish of Padstow.  It will cover a period up to 2030 and allows local residents not only to have their say but actually shape the future development of Padstow and Trevone.  The Town Council has appointed a Steering Group to deliver the draft NDP for eventual consideration in a referendum of the electorate within the Parish.  They have been assisted by a working group drawn from local residents.

It is important that an NDP reflects the interests and opinions of the majority of residents and as such community involvement in the process is essential.  The Steering Group have undertaken much community engagement and review and aims to commence the formal consultation process, commonly referred to as Regulation 14 in early 2021.  The latest version of the draft plan, current project plan and all the NDP reports and evidence can be viewed here.

Padstow Town Council, particularly the NDP Steering Group, hopes that members of the Padstow Parish community will continue to assist in the development of the NDP through active engagement in the Regulation 14 consultation and, in due course, the referendum.  To find out more about the process or raise any specific questions please contact us at:  If you would like to join our NDP mailing list please let us know here.

To find out more about the NDP process in general, you may find the following links useful:

National Planning Policy Framework
The Cornwall Local Plan
Neighbourhood Planning
The Quick Guide To Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood Plans – Road Map