Council Policies & Procedures

Standing Orders 2023

The latest Standing Orders for Padstow Town Council.

Financial Regulations 2023

Financial Regulations adopted by the Full Council at its Meeting held on the 25th July 2023 (PDF)

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted Members of Local Councils adopted by Padstow Town Council at its meeting held on 25 May 2021

Health and Safety Policy 2023

The Councillors have the ultimate responsibility for the health and safety of Padstow Town Council but discharges this responsibility through the Clerk down to individual officers and employees.

Freedom Of Information

Information available from Padstow Town Council and requests for information

Complaint Handling

Padstow Town Council is committed to providing a quality service for the benefit of the people who live or work in its area or who are visitors to the locality.

General Privacy Notice

Padstow Town Council holds personal data about employees, residents, suppliers and other individuals for a variety of Council purposes.

Data Protection Policy

The policy sets out how the Council seeks to protect personal data.

Land Use Policy

The aim of this Policy is to help the public and staff to understand how the Council processes requests for use of Council land for any activity.

Community Grant Scheme Policy

Padstow Town Council has an established Community Grant Scheme.  To receive email notifications when applications open for next year, please signup here.

Memorial Bench Policy

Padstow Town Council is unable to accept new memorial bench donations.  Replacement benches and plaques will be considered in line with the Council's Memorial Bench Policy, for more information and application forms.  Please click on this link. 



Scheme of Delegation May 2024

The latest Scheme of Delegation for Padstow Town Council’s Committees and Staff






CCTV Policy

For information about the Town Council's CCTV system, please click on this link.