
Memorial Bench Policy

Padstow Town Council recognises that the provision of memorial benches in Padstow Parish provides a useful and valued public amenity to a wide range of people.  The purpose of the Padstow Town Council Memorial Bench Policy is to ensure a clear, consistent and sustainable approach is applied to the management of memorial benches for the mutual benefit of all.

Memorial Benches

New applications for memorial benches will not be considered due to a lack of suitable space on Town Council land. The Council will not hold a waiting list of donors.  This will ensure that if such applications are invited at a later date, there will be opportunity for donors to make dedications to future loved ones.

Requests for memorial benches on land within the Parish not owned by Padstow Town Council will require the permission of the relevant landowner and will not involve the Council in either permissions, maintenance or installation.

Replacement benches will be considered in line with this policy and the original bench donor can make a replacement bench request by completing the form below.

Memorial Bench Plaques

The Council will consider applications for additional and/or replacement memorial bench plaques up to a maximum of 3 plaques per bench and these can be requested by completing the form below.

Memorial Bench Documents:

Memorial Bench Policy
Replacement Memorial Bench Application Form
Memorial Plaque Request Form

Please ensure you have read the Padstow Town Council Memorial in full before applying.   

Removal of Benches

In line with Council’s Memorial Bench Policy some benches have been removed either due to health and safety reason or they were in a poor state of repair which was having a negative effect on the area. Any “space” as per the Policy, will be left for 1 year after removal, to allow original donor to come forward due to no longer having historical details on file.  After this time, any future occupation of a “space” will be will be considered by the Leisure, Tourism and Open Spaces Committee on a case by case basis taking account of key factors identified within the policy. As per the Policy no waiting list will be held.