Plan is Made: Padstow Town Council are pleased to confirm the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan has now been formally "made" by Cornwall Council. The NDP now forms part of the statutory development plan for Cornwall.. View Cornwall Council's decision notice here and the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan Made Version Sept 22 here.
Referendum Results - It's A Yes! The referendum on Thursday 28 July 2022 showed strong support for the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) with 90.1% (453 people) voting “Yes” and 9.7% (49 people) voting “No”.
This means that Cornwall Council will now be using the NDP to help when deciding on planning applications. It provides important additional criteria for a development to be accepted by Cornwall Council Planners, better reflecting the wishes of residents.
The official declaration notice of the result can be downloaded here: Declaration of Result of Poll – Padstow NPR.
Of the result Councillor WatsonSmyth (NDP Steering Group Chairman) and Councillor O’Keefe (Chairman of Padstow Town Council) have said, “The NDP Steering Group and the Town Council are grateful for the support shown at the referendum for the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan is the result of an extensive and inclusive process of community engagement and consultation and this result is a fantastic achievement for our Parish. Thanks must go to all the NDP volunteers who have helped and supported this process over the years, sadly some of whom are no longer with us. Thanks also to our fellow Town Councillors past and present for their part in this success and especially to previous Steering Group Chairmen, former Councillors Ian McKey, Martin Saunders and Alec Rickard. Special thanks go to our community Consultant, Paul Weston for his unwavering support, impartial advice and objective analysis throughout”.
Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations - 28 July 2022: To view the Notice of Referendum, click on this link.
Notice of Referendum - 28 July 2022: To view the Notice of Referendum, click on this link.
Plan To Progress To Referendum: Following extensive community engagement concluding with a 10 week long formal consultation in early 2021, the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan was reviewed this spring by an Independent Examiner. The Examiner found that, subject to some recommended modifications, the Plan should proceed to a community Referendum.
Cornwall Council has now considered the Examiner's recommendations, agreed the modifications, and approved the Plan to progress to Referendum. You can view the associated documents here
Details of the Referendum will be published in due course.
Submission Version Considered by the Full Council: Tuesday 27 July 2021
Meeting Note: Tuesday 22 June 2021
Regulation 14 Consultation Closed: Thank you for your participation. The consultation is now CLOSED and responses are being analysed. View the Regulation 14 Comments here.
Regulation 14 Consultation Notice: In accordance with Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Part 5, 14(a)-(c), notice is given that a formal pre-submission public consultation on the draft Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan will start at 9.00am on Monday 8 February 2021 for a 10 week period. To view the Consultation Notice in full click on this link.
To view the Padstow Parish Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Version February 2021 and make comments click on this link.
To read more about Regulation 14 and what it means and an Executive Summary of the Plan click on this link
Community Consultation Report: View the Analysis of Responses to Informal Community Consultation on 1st Version of the Neighbourhood Plan here.
Community Consultation OPEN:
Thank you for your participation. This survey has now CLOSED and the results are being analysed.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 19 June at 6.30pm
Meeting Notes: View the latest Steering Group meeting notes here
Reports Published: The latest reports, accepted and approved by the Steering Group at their meeting on 6 February 2019 have now been published:
Padstow Parish NDP Policy Questionnaire Report - view here
Local Green Spaces Assessment Report - view here
Trecerus Industrial Estate Survey Report - view here
For further reports see here
Padstow Parish NDP Policy Questionnaire: Your Parish, Your Say, Your Plan
Closing date is Monday 29 October 2018.
Thank you for your participation. This survey has now CLOSED and the results are being analysed.
Meeting Notes: View the latest Steering Group meeting notes here
Working Group Meeting Notes: View the latest WG meeting notes here
Business Consultation: Report published.
View the Business Consultation Report here
Youth Survey: Report published.
In May the NDP Steering Group undertook a survey of local pre-school and school children to better understand their thoughts about the area in which they live. View the report here
Housing Need Survey: Report and recommendations from Cornwall Council published.
View the Padstow Parish Housing Need Survey here
Business Consultation: Comments still invited - Closing date Friday 18 May 2018
The business community were invited to drop in to one of our business consultation sessions held on Tuesday 17 April 2018. They were asked to comment on the working set of Aims and Objectives and provide feedback and insight into their sector by completing a snap survey.
We welcome further comment from any and all businesses within Padstow Parish on these points. If your business would like to participate please view the topic sheets below and it would be helpful when commenting if you could:
- Consider how the Aims and Objectives might be achieved from the perspective of your business;
- Identify issues for local businesses you think we should tackle in the Neighbourhood Plan;
- Suggest planning policies that would improve the local area and/or may help your business to function better and prosper
Topic Sheets: Natural Environment Housing Transport, Traffic & Parking Local Economy & Tourism Built Environment & Heritage Community Wellbeing
Complete the survey: Snap Survey - Business Consultation
Responses from the sessions: Aims & Objectives - Responses and Suggestions
Please send completed surveys and comments to or to the Council Offices, Station House, Station Road, Padstow PL28 8DA by Friday 18 May 2018.
Next Steering Group Meeting: 25 April 2018 at 6.30pm
Business Community Consultation: Tuesday 17 April 2018
There are two events running on Tuesday 17 April at the Council Offices, Station House, Padstow. These are drop-in sessions and business participants are not expected to stay for the duration but are invited to pop in and participate in this round of consultation; the times are 8am - 11am and 4pm - 7pm.
The Steering Group has written to as many business as possible with the information available, who are based in Padstow Parish. If you have not received a letter, please do not think you can not come. All businesses who operate in Padstow or Trevone are welcome to attend. Representatives will be asked to comment on the working set of Aims and Objectives and how these might be achieved from their own businesses perspective. They will also be asked to suggest planning policies which would improve the local area and/or may help their business. It is therefore suggested that those who attend have a good overall knowledge of the business.
DRAFT Meeting Note: 14 March 2018
Community Consultation Report and Outcome: At their meeting on 14 March, the Steering Group considered the Community Consultation report based on the public events held in February. As a result of the analysis of the responses and comments received, a revised set of Aims and Objectives were agreed as the working set of Aims and Objectives with which to move forward.
View the Community Consultation Report
Next Meeting: The next meeting of the NDP Steering Group will be held on Wednesday 14 March 2018 at 6.30pm.
Community Consultation Events February 2018:
Do you LIVE in Padstow Parish? Do you WORK in Padstow Parish? Do you OWN a BUSINESS or PROPERTY in Padstow Parish? If YES to any of the these then we want to hear from YOU!
Call in at a convenient time to one of our Neighbourhood Development Plan Community Consultation Events
Thursday 22 February – 3pm to 7pm: Trevone Village Hall
Saturday 24 February – 10am to 2pm: Council Offices, Station House
Monday 26 February – 10am to 2pm: Council Offices, Station House
Help us Develop the Plan
This is your chance to influence the scope and content of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Plan will allow us to put in place our own planning policies that will shape the future development in the area for the next 15 years.
The Community Consultation Events will:
- Provide an update on progress that has been made
- Invite comments on a draft set of Aims for the Plan
- Invite views on what the policies should focus on
Next Steering Group Meeting: Wednesday 24 January at 6.30pm
Workshop Session: A workshop to evaluate all that has been found and said during the Neighbourhood Plan preparation to date was held on Wednesday 10 January 2018. The intention was to prepare an initial draft set of aims and objectives that can be shared, on a consultation basis, with the community at large. The resulting report will be discussed by the Steering Group at their next meeting, Wednesday 24 January 2018
View the Aims & Objectives Report
Local Evidence Report: The Steering Group, Working Group and Community Consultant, Paul Weston have spent several months gathering facts and evidence to better understand how our neighbourhood and communities function, what local people think about life in Padstow today and their hopes for the future. This evidence has been presented as a Local Evidence Report. At its November meeting, the Steering Group agreed 15 December 2017 as a cut-off date for preparation of the document so that it can be presented online and to the community. However, individuals are still invited to contribute further material to this evidence base and anyone with any additional recent and relevant facts or who can provide authoritative opinion about land use-related matters in the Padstow parish area, can contact us at:
View the Local Evidence Report
Project Plan: The Steering Group reviewed the project plan at its meeting on 21 November 2017.
Locality Funding: 8 November 2017 - Confirmation received that £6,993 in grant funding has been awarded by Locality.
Terms of Reference: At its meeting on 31 October 2017, Full Council approved updated Steering Group Terms of Reference. These now facilitate public attendance at meetings and enable meeting notes to be published online. Notification of NDP Steering Group meetings, publication of agendas and publication of meeting notes will now follow the same process as all other Council meetings.
Notifications will appear on our website and social media pages as well as on our noticeboards.
Strategic Context Report: Prepared by Community Consultant Paul Weston, the report was approved by the Steering Group on 22 August 2017 and ratified by Full Council on 26 September 2017.
Locality Funding: On 25 July 2017 Full Council approved the Steering Group recommendation to apply for grant funding from Locality.
Paul Weston, Community Consultant: On 25 July 2017 Full Council approved the Steering Group recommendation to appoint the services of Community Consultant Paul Weston.