Hill Steps Update (04 September 2015) – Works Complete
We’re pleased to announce that Hills Steps was reopened for August Bank Holiday. Although the works were required to address a failure to the main wall leading down the steps, we also seized the opportunity to make other necessary repairs. It really was a mammoth task but we hope you will agree how terrific it now looks. A big thank you to Michael Vanstone Plant Hire and Ground Work who undertook this work for us.
We have pulled together a timeline of pictures showing the progress of this project which we hope you will be as impressed with as we are.
Hill Steps Update (10 June 2015) – Works to Commence
We are pleased to advise that the contractor, Michael Vanstone will commence works week commencing 22 June 2015. Works are anticipated to take between 4 to 6 weeks however, we are hopeful that once the major fix is complete that Hill Steps will be reopened as soon as possible, with safety fencing in place whilst minor fixes are undertaken. You will see activity the week before (w/c 15 June) as the contractor will be setting up their site.
We are pleased to finally be getting this much needed access route fixed and reopened as soon as possible, and hope you will bear with us during this time. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please note that until Hill Steps is reopened alternative routes to get into town are either via the Church or down Hill Street. Directional signs have been put up to help in this regard.
We hope you find this update helpful and you can see that every effort is being made to get this matter resolved.
Hill Steps Update (28 May 2015)
The last update posted advised that a planning application had been submitted to fell some trees which are covered by a Tree Preservation Order and quotations were being sought in respect of the works to be undertaken.
You will be pleased to hear that planning approval has been granted. Please follow the link below to see the full approval:
Furthermore, a contractor, Michael Vanstone, has also been appointed. The next step is to schedule in a start date for these works. It is hoped this will be soon. Once arranged an update will be posted as soon as possible.
Please note that alternative routes to get into town are either via the Church or down Hill Street. Directional signs have been put up to help in this regard.
We hope you find this update helpful and you can see that every effort is being made to get this matter resolved.
Hills Steps Update (30 April 2015)
As outlined in the last update, the Town Clerk was pulling together the planning application required to fell some trees which are covered by a Tree Preservation Order. This has been submitted and is available on Cornwall Council’s website:
Deadline for any views/comments to this application is 18 May 2015.
In line with Council’s Financial Regulations quotations have been sought. Deadline is next week therefore a contractor should be appointed by mid-May. Once appointed it will then be possible to schedule in the proposed works.
Please note that alternative routes to get into town are either via the Church or down Hill Street. Directional signs have been put up to help in this regard.
We hope you find this update helpful and you can see that every effort is being made to get this matter resolved.
We plan to keep you updated on progress, as and when relevant, via our website, Facebook and twitter pages.
Hills Steps Update (16 April 2015)
As you are aware, unfortunately Hill Steps has been closed due to rock and wall failures. This was inspected by Council’s surveyors and subsequently Cornwall Council who both agreed that the path should remain closed until the matter has been dealt with. An official closure notice for the footpath has now been made and is in place.
Emergency tree work was undertaken recently to remove one tree, which was considered an immediate health and safety risk. Its positioning was close to the main failure and potentially could have come down at any time.
With regards to fixing the failures and reopening Hill Steps. The Town Council has given its undertaking to get this resolved. Council’s surveyor PWH has pulled together a schedule of works. In line with Council’s Financial Regulations quotations are required to be sought. This is currently in progress, by May a contractor should be appointed.
As the works will involve the felling of some trees, which are covered by Tree Preservation Orders, planning permission is required. The Town Clerk is in the process of pulling this together with a view to submitting it as soon as possible. Cornwall Council has advised that permission could take between 6 to 8 weeks.
Please note that alternative routes to get into town are either via the Church or down Hill Street.
We hope you find this update helpful and you can see that every effort is being made to get this matter resolved.
We plan to keep you updated on progress, as and when relevant, via our website, Facebook and twitter pages.
Hill Steps Closed (03 March 2015 )
Due to rock fall the footpath via Hill Steps has been closed. Please use an alternative route. Updates will be issued when available.