Please be aware your collection day may be changing for one collection only due to May Day.
Affected roads and numbers are as follows
Mill Road 20
Duke Street 37
Cross Street 16
Middle Street 22
Riverside 10
Market Place 7
New Street 27
Mill Square 11
Lanadwell Street 17
Church Street 47
South Quay 3
Strand Street 8
North Quay 51
St Edmunds Lane 20
The Strand 9
Station Road 7
Hill Street 8
Broad Street 14
Market Strand 3
19 roads and 337 properties in total.
This is a temporary one off change due to access issues on 1st May with Obby Oss day. Normal collection day will resume the following week.
Please note that your waste and recycling must be placed out for by 7am on the day of collection and presented at the edge of your property nearest to the public highway.
If you have any questions relating to this, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 1234 141 or email us at
Alternatively, you can also obtain information from the council’s website at:
Service Contracts and Commissioning Team Transport, Waste & Environment Tel: 0300 1234 141 Email: