Update 10 December 2015
We are pleased to announce that Cornwall Council’s Planning Department has approved plans for Station House. The approval was subject to some changes to the submitted plans, which were agreed by Council, namely to the roof line and some windows.
Enabling works will commence in Station House on Monday 4 January 2016, namely stripping out to address issues with dry rot. This will enable us to have a clear canvas in order to begin addressing future works at Station House.
Project plans can be viewed online at: http://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NTA00FFGL2B00
Station House Plans Drop-In Session 1 October 2015
A presentation was given to the Annual Town Meeting in May on future plans which was received very well. Pre-application advice has been sought and taken on board in the development of plans for Station House.
The Council has now formalised its plans for Station House and its submission for planning and would like to invite the public to a drop-in session which will take place on Thursday 1 October 2015 between 5 pm and 7 pm and be held in the Drawing Room at the Metropole Hotel, Padstow. This will be an informal drop-in providing the opportunity to see our plans and ask any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there.