Message from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor – March 2020

Mar 25, 2020 | Coronavirus, News

Message from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

Dear Parish of Padstow

As we all know this is truly an unprecedented situation but one we ALL play a part in.  The offers of help in our community during this difficult time is wonderful.  Volunteers getting together to coordinate help to our most vulnerable and people in need.  As a Town Council we have provided support for leaflets etc and have redirected some funds and working with the local SPAR shop in Padstow, as well as volunteers to provide Coronavirus packs across our Parish to the most vulnerable.  We are also looking at options of financial assistance in respect of food banks for our community.  Working together is how we will best manage this situation and I know as a community we have and will continue to come together.

In light of the recent Government announcement we have closed our offices, toilets and play areas.   During this time we will be undertaking essential checks across our sites and will be contactable by email    This is where we stand now (24.3.2020). We will review the situation and update should things change.

All our Council meetings have been cancelled until the further notice.  We will be reviewing the situation and update information as required.  Following advice from the Cornwall Association of Local Councils, the Council agreed to an Emergency Delegation during the period of this pandemic and also a mechanism to deal with Planning Applications during this time.  Full details on these will be updated onto our website.

Let’s all do our part NOW in making sure the Coronavirus doesn’t spread.

Please behave responsibility in the face of Coronavirus, think of others and Stay safe

 Councillor Charlie Watson-Smyth                 Councillor Adam Flide

 Mayor                                                            Deputy Mayor


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