Update 19.11.20
Hand Sanitiser Unit White Shelter
Unfortunately due to further vandalism we have had to remove the hand sanitiser unit at White Shelter, North Quay. We are sorry to have to completely remove this unit but due to the spate earlier this week we simply don’t have any more in stock at the moment to be able to replace.
Updated 18.11.20
We are really upset and sad that there has been a spate of vandalism around our town.
All of the hand sanitisers which we placed in key areas, such as our shelters, bandstand, in our car parks and play area have been completely smashed. We all know the reason why we put these in place. We know they have been well used, as we top them up regularly. Our maintenance team is now trying to fix what they can.
If anyone did see or witness anything can you please report it to the local police. We have raised a police report and the crime reference number is CR/097210/20.
This is just mindless vandalism and at a time when we all need to come together – we just don’t need it.
Keep safe and think of others!