Let’s Keep Our Parish Beautiful!

Dec 15, 2020 | News

Padstow Town Council is promoting the key messages of “bag it and bin it” and “litter belongs in the bin” in an attempt to “turn the tide” and raise awareness of this ongoing problem of people just not picking up after themselves or their dogs particularly at this time when our outdoor space is more precious than ever!

To help Padstow Town Council has:-

  • Made all their bins multi use – so bagged dog waste can go in any of the waste bins – not just the red dog waste bins! This is now clearly advertised on all bins and in line with Cornwall Councils approach.
  • Regularly empty all bins and litter pick.
  • Developed a local poster campaign to draw attention to these issues and educate the public and placing them in key places in our parish.
  • Promoted our local campaign on social media and our website.
  • Working with Cornwall Council to report or raise any issues of this nature to their enforcement teams.

What can you do to help?

  • If you notice an issue please visit https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/report-it/ where you can raise concerns or report an offence to Cornwall Council who are the principle authority who can investigate dog fouling, littering or fly tipping and issue fix penalty notices.
  • Share these messages on your own social media – the more who know, the greater impact it will have!
  • Enjoy – appreciate how lucky we are to have these open spaces and take care of them.

Lets all enjoy our beautiful open spaces and think of others – “bag it and bin it”




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