North Quay Toilet – Criminal damage

Dec 5, 2022 | News

It is very disappointing to report there has been further criminal damage to the North Quay toilets and signage in that area.  This follows damage in the same facility only a few weeks ago, the repairs for which are estimated to be over £1,100 and this does not include the cost of the time spent by the team in cleaning up the mess, or officer time reporting the matter to the police.

On this occasion, damage has occurred to the actual ceiling of the gents facility, where it looks like the criminals have climbed on to a toilet bowl and scaled the cubicle wall to kick the ceiling, along with pulling signs off walls and leaving the general area in a disgusting state.  The gents facility at North Quay is now closed whilst we undertake repairs.  The Council’s other facilities will be closing at 4pm.  It is such a shame that we have to be so mindful of closing times due to this kind of senseless destruction.

Padstow Town Council is extremely fortunate not to need to charge a precept, particularly in the current economic climate, and at present is able to offer the public use toilets free of charge. Please help us to keep these much needed facilities available to both locals and visitors and report any information, big or small, you may have regarding this reckless crime.  The crime has been reported to the police, once we have reference number we will update this post.


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