Satellite Food Bank – Padstow

Jan 31, 2023 | News

Padstow Town Council is very pleased to be working with Wadebridge Food Bank to provide a satellite Food Bank in Padstow for its own residents as well as communities nearby such as St Merryn, St Eval and surrounding areas.

The Satellite Food Bank will be open every Tuesday morning, the first being Tuesday 7 February 2023, from 9.15 am to 1pm from the Padstow Town Council Offices.  This will be to collect your food parcel following a referral to the Food Bank. To request a referral for a food box, please contact a professional service, such as the school, health visitor, doctor’s surgery, housing, Cornwall Council services etc. For a full list of referral partners, please visit the Foodbank website

Anyone who is in need, struggling at this time – help is there – so please to contact Wadebridge Food Bank directly or drop into the Padstow Town Council Offices.

Padstow Town Council Mayor commented that “This is such a big step forward to providing help to the local community especially with the current financial situation a lot of people are finding themselves in. Meetings and conversations are continuing at pace with a variety of different services, for us to enable the community to gain as much information and help across numerous topics not just financial but health & wellbeing as well.”

The Town Clerk for Padstow Town Council added “The Council is grateful that the Wadebridge Food Bank has taken up our offer to accommodate this service and thank them for all they do for our communities.  Initially we will run this service from our Council Offices.  Eventually, we plan to move them across to the Core Building at the Lawns Car Park once we are sure we have the support we need to do so.”

Jacqui White, Project Manager for Wadebridge Food Bank commented that “We are delighted to be partnering with Padstow Town Council to help people access our services within the area. We have seen an increase in need and understand it may be difficult for people to travel to Wadebridge to access support.”

*If you are struggling and need help please do contact Wadebridge Food Bank by phone 01208 815374 or email

Wadebridge Foodbank Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-1pm


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