Cemetery Regulation Update

Mar 20, 2024 | News

The cemetery regulation consultation has now closed.       

What Has Happened Since? 

Responses to the consultation were collated and reviewed by the Leisure, Tourism and Open Spaces Committee at it’s meeting held on 12 March 2024.    The Committee agreed some minor amendments to the regulations as a result of the consultation and have now agreed a final version of the 2024 Cemetery Regulation documents for recommendation to the Full Council.  Committee’s reaction and response to specific consultation comments can be viewed here.    A full list of consultation responses has been collated in this document.

What Happens Next? 

The final 2024 Cemetery Regulation documents as recommend by the LTOS Committee will be considered for approval by the Full Council at it’s meeting on 26 March 2024.   You can view these documents by clicking on the links below.

Recommended Padstow Cemetery Regulations 2024
Appendix 1 – Map
Appendix 2 – Recommended Procedure For Managing Regulation Infringements

When Will The New Regulations Apply?

If agreed, the new regulations will come into effect from 1 April 2024.   We will share information about the new regulations on the Town Council website, noticeboards and social media.  We will also publicise that they have changed in the cemetery itself.   The Town Council understands that it may not be possible to conform to the new regulations from day 1 and a grace period of approximately 6 weeks will be given before the Council commences its procedure for managing regulation infringements and a notice will be displayed in the cemetery a minimum of 2 weeks before.

Why Was There A Consultation?

A review of the 2021 regulations and cemetery processes was undertaken following representations made by our community. Specifically, concerns relating to memorabilia on graves including permitted mementoes, the management of regulation infringements, and communication of the regulations.  The review took account of the needs expressed by the community, accepted practices in other cemeteries, and the Council’s obligations as landowner.  It resulted in the Draft Padstow Cemetery Regulations 2024 which the Council consulted on during the period 29 January to 26 February 2024.  You can see how the Draft regulations responded to the feedback about the 2021 Regulations in this document.


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